Accepted spring pepper 🍃 - Player Report on know pain

autumn pepper 🍂

Eternally Aggravated
Sep 15, 2020
Tokyo, Japan
Username: spring pepper 🍃

❂ In-Game Name Pepper

Your STEAMID/Link to your STEAM Profile

Your Discord funkshway#5309

What is the in-game name of the player that you are reporting? know pain

Paste a link to the STEAM profile of the player that you are reporting.

Which rule/rules was this player breaking? RDM

Put any evidence of this player breaking the rules here.

screenshot of logs showing the perpetrator, @Know Pain, instigating combat without any prior damage done to them


event log viewer showing the perpetrator, @Know Pain, attacking me from behind


scrreenshot showing that the base was owned by a player named @burger


screenshot showing that the player, @Know Pain, was not a part of the party

Optional: Any other comments? additional evidence can be provided upon request
Report Accepted
They have been warned for RDM (Class III)
Thanks for making a report. For further questions/inquiries about your report, please reach out to a member of the Management Team on our Discord (​