The Kingdom Of Sindria Recruitment :


Apr 2, 2021
California, U.S.A

The Kingdom Of Sindria Recruitment

The Kingdom Of Sindria is recruiting members into our gang.

The Kingdom Of Sindria is looking to become the top gang on Atomic, this means not only in member quantity but quality as well. Our gang's goal is to provide for its members and other players in need. The Kingdom Of Sindria is attempting what no other gang has attempted before, unifying its players toward a common goal. Our gang is looking for members who show the same motivation that we do. The Kingdom of Sindria is looking to become a mighty trading nation where all our members profit and show integrity.

Gang Perks:

150 HP

Increased Salary

Access to the gang storage.

(Eventually gang's balance will become a unified bank, trusted members will have access to withdrawing from the balance. If a
new/regular member requires any money they can go to a higher ranking member for assistance)

Gang Position Requirements:
Must have a relatively clean warn/ban record.

500k a day minimal deposit/3.5M a week.

10 million minimal networth.

5-day inactivity = Kick/demotion per day.

Capturing Flag Terrorities/Holding Regularly.

If interested in joining find one of our members in-game, on this forum post, or on the Atomic Discord. We are always around and happy to chat.

In game name : Discount Dan

Steam name : Discount Dan

Networth : 30$

Current balance : 30$

Rank : VIP+

Discord: Discount Dan#6216

Ill give you 15$ and some expired coupons for fast food.