Denied Chasecoreys staff Applications


Sep 28, 2021
Your In-Game Name: Chasecorey

Steam Name: Chasecorey

Link to your Public Steam Profile:

Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older): I am 19 years old.

Your discord name/tag: chasecorey#6121

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP? Yes they are both the same.

Have you ever been warned/kicked/banned on any Atomic Networks Servers? If yes, what for? Yes I have been warned once it was for having a base that had 5 keypad doors instead of 4.

How much playtime do you have on the server? (24 hour minimum) I have played for 1 day, 7 hours, and 30 minutes.

Have you read up on our rules fully? Yes I have read through section A through H.

Have you read up on the (DRP) Staff Information section of the Forums? Yes and I have taken a photo of the command list and staff handbook to study them.

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis? Yes I have a hyper x headset and I do use it on a consistent basis.

Do you have any prior experience staffing on other Garry's Mod servers? (Please go into detail if the answer is Yes) Yes I was about say 4 or 5 years ago I was a moderator for a "trouble in terrorist in town(TTT). I was staffed on there for almost a year than I quit because most of the staff where either left or not hopping on even the admins weren't even on barley so it got to the point that the server got to chaotic and stressful so I hanged up my hat for that server.

Have you received any recommendations to apply for staff from current AtomicRP Staff Members? (If so list them below) No I have not but I have talked to some staff members about applying so they wished me luck and also talked to them chat with them for a little bit it was fun.

If you answered yes to the previous question, do you have experience with SAM? AWarn3? BLogs? N/A

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team? Why I want to be part of the staff team is to help out the server keep it going good and not chaotic like my last one. To socialize with the staff get to know them make new friends also keep the community safe. I would love to increase my knowledge about moderating again and my career.

Why should you be accepted onto the staff team? Why you should accepted me to the staff team is one I'm a very friendly and chill person, two I am very patient with people and with the game, third I try my best, and follows the rules also don't lie unless if it is an RP wise but even then I don't like lying even if it is in RP.

What is your timezone? My time zone is Eastern daylight time.
If my application is not good enough please tell me the truth so I can improve it for my next application and thank you for your honest opinion.
+/- You are pretty active within the server however I think you missed some important points that they are looking for in a staff member.
Seems dedicated to getting noticed. The application is ok. You might as well get an interview

Your application is ok. Also, you seem to be open to feedback and trying to improve at every turn. Good Luck!
app seems good and you seem to be pretty motivated

never really seen you before
could use more time
Application Denied
You may reapply for an Atomic Networks Staff Position in 2 Weeks, Please DM me (Unknown..#2441) with questions/concerns.
Momsmom please tell me what I missed so ill know for my next application and thank you for your feedback.
Read the Staff Requirements, it states the traits that are looked for in a staff member. Tell them that you possess those skills and how you plan to use them.