Denied Copdawg Staff Application

Chill guy. helped me argue with an insane clown posse member in discord. good app too. this guy needs to be staff. +1 all the way

OI'VE GOT NOFIN BAD TO SAY ABOUT THIS BLOKE 'ERE! Behaves himself and is super helpful with people's questions in ooc. Active player and better app than your last.

Side note: Please learn American when you're typing please bec that grammar lackin innit bruv
sorry mate the red squigly was tellin me i had it wrong
Sorry dude, but personally, your attitude in-game to me just doesn't give me the staff vibe. I've seen you act immature and it almost seems that you're changing your attitude just because you applied. This is nothing against you personally, but I just don't believe that you are ready to be apart of the staff team. I'm not opposed to you going through the interview process where we can learn more about you physically, but my opinion still stands.​
Application Denied
We appreciate your interest in staffing. You may reapply for an Atomic Networks Staff Position in 2 Weeks, DM me with questions/concerns.