I am the dust bunny


Jul 16, 2023
Hi there. I'm posting this so people can know me a little better, and I hope to be a somewhat active member of the forums in addition to my time enjoying the DarkRP servers.

I haven't been a part of a good forum community since my time with the now-defunct Apex Gaming network, and before that, not since the old days of Terror Tortellini. That was another now-defunct community of horror writers that went down in 2012.

That's actually the website where I got the spark to become a writer, which I do when I have time to this day. I really wish that I could retrieve the horror story I wrote inspired by "127 Hours" that some of those members told me they enjoyed more than that film, but it disappeared with the website and the accidental destruction of my old laptop.

Currently, I have a small collection of short stories set in a sci-fi world of my own creation, and I'm slowly adding more over time, hoping to eventually publish a short anthology.

While I'm a fiction writer at heart, conversely I'm actually much better at the logical and fact-based side of writing, which is why I've spent a lot of time over the past few years writing and testing my own tabletop game. The purpose is not to compete with the likes of DnD, which I've played for many years as the "forever DM".

Instead, I intend for it to be offered for sale in a pamphlet of 30 or so small pages with the intent of the rules being to be able to make a character and play a story just as thrilling as one in DnD, but one that can be set up, understood, and mastered in a period of a few short hours while still allowing for years worth of development and systems of homebrewing entire worlds, let alone items and abilities, all based on the default that comes with the game - which is a high fantasy world, another of my own creation.

Day-to-day, I enjoy my day job which lasts for ten hours a day or more and sometimes I work six days a week. This is mostly by choice, because y'know... Finances and such. What I do is detail cars, inside and out, but primarily out, for a major dealership. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm probably the best worker there; however, if we had team of me's in that place then I'd be back to being paid normally and not have the opportunity to work so much. Due to my profession and the fact that I have a beautiful and caring wife who I love to spend time with, playing DarkRP is relegated to early mornings on my off days while she is still asleep.

If anyone would like advice regarding my profession or hobbies for their own projects or is interested in me sharing some of my fiction, I'd be happy to have some discourse. It's nice to be able to introduce myself, and I hope to get to know the community of Atomic Networks over time.