
Feb 19, 2023
I put a suggestion in to increase the punishment of insiding and it was denied within the hour even though it had already received 10 upvotes and no down votes. Every single player ive talked to agrees that insiding is a really scumy thing to do and is not punished accordingly. It ruins gameplay far more than a simple rdm and yet is punished the same. Insiding also causes players to fear meeting/basing with new people.

here is the original suggestion
this has been denied numerous times since insiding was originally put into the rules, it will not be accepted any time soon. the view from higher ups is that you need to be careful with who you pick to base with
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In my opinion it's hard to gauge where it lands. Higher ups are correct in their ideals that a player needs to be careful who they base with, but on the other hand it is a very scummy act that can land a lot of players low on money and simply ruin the experience. Not only that, but not everyone has the forums and we shouldn't force them to go through all these steps and work from higher ups to just simply have it removed from their record two weeks later. It makes the most sense to make the punishment be a class 4. 5's are more extreme and require more malice, while class 4's a less extreme but still provide a reasonable threat if a player gets them. Thus, making the action itself less ideal to people that think about doing it. If it remains a class 3 it also removes the idea that the player will be legitimately warned rather than a simple class 3. Class 3's and lower don't hold much weight, which is why they are more common.
I don't believe making it class 4 or 5 I believe it shouldn't be warnable at all since you as a base owner are letting people in and it's your responsibility to make sure everyone is truth worthy
At the end of the day atomic gmod is a roleplay server, and to roleplay you need people/friends. Having party owners be afraid to allow new people into their base makes it harder to make friends to rp with. I completely understand both sides of this discussion and i think im still going on this because the suggestion was dennied within the hour. The players didnt even have a chance to speak or upvote the suggestion to the sky.
I don't believe making it class 4 or 5 I believe it shouldn't be warnable at all since you as a base owner are letting people in and it's your responsibility to make sure everyone is truth worthy
I don't believe making it class 4 or 5 I believe it shouldn't be warnable at all since you as a base owner are letting people in and it's your responsibility to make sure everyone is truth worthy
Roomba you are dumb LOL
The reason that we haven't escalated this punishment to a Class IV/V is because it's a commonly accepted practice in every other DarkRP community. We are the first community to punish people for doing this and for that reason we don't want Insiding to be on someone's permanent record in a situation where they did not take the time to understand that our rules are different.
why not making it a class 4 and giving them a verbal for the first offense, only admins can see verbals so if they dont inside for a second time no one would ever know that they insided once.