Accepted My Staff Application


May 21, 2022
Your In-Game Name: Bubby

Steam Name: Gustav

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:671242711

Link to your public steam account:

Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older):

Your discord name/tag: AVANE#4736

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP?
My Discord nick is Gustav, same with AtomicRP. My actually non-nicked name is Gustav for both.

Have you ever been warned/kicked/banned on any Atomic Servers?
Only warning I can think of is rda once

If yes, what for?
Whenever I first joined, to be completely honest did not expect to stay around as long as I did, which lead to me being a bit of a minge.

How much playtime do you have on the server? (1 day minimum playtime, 1 week in the community)
37, I may be wrong, but it is more then 27.

Have you read up on our rules fully?
Yes, i am willing to go over them again, too if need be.

Have you read up on the AtomicRP Staff Handbook?
Yes, and just with the rules, I am willing to go over again if I need to.

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis?
I do indeed have a microphone and am willing to use it, just never used it in game because of personal reasons.

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team?
The reason i want to be apart of the staff team is because the server really is something special, i never expected to stick around for long but it just pulled me in. Everyone in the community is very nice and to be quite frank, the best staff team I've seen in awhile. I want to help put positivity into the community and keep it fun so new members do end up sticking around, like what happened to me. I have also a lot of staff experience and have managed to reach the high staff rank of Head Administrator on another well respected community that ranks #10 throughout Gmod. Im very patient and respectful, always unbiased and makes sure to get both sides of the story before making a judgement.

Why should you be accepted onto the staff team?

In my opinion, I should be accepted into the staff team because i know the rules pretty well, i can handle most situations fine on my own. I can catch on and learn very quickly, which if I am accepted, will make training and adjusting to changes much easier. I've had mod experience before in a server named Pepperoni Cinema, but it never got action so this would most likely be my first time as an actually staff member of an active community. If you do think about accepting me, id love to work with you all and make the community a clean and fun place <3 I have also been a Head Administrator on another server. Im very mature due to my age and have been handling a lot of tickets and staff situations in the past, I am also familiar with ULX commands and such so I would pretty much be able to get straight into it. I have a lot of good personal traits which fits well into the role as a staff member such as, being down-to-earth, unbiased, respectful, and always strive to give the players the best possible experience:)
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+1 Didn't use the form but I'm fine, the app is quite decent. Don't know this player so happy to judge based off an interview.
+1 (Interview)
Very Decent app, but didn't stick to the server-provided format.
But would love to hear you and see what kind of person you are via an interview.
Accepted for Interview
Reach out to (Killuminati#0797) on Discord to schedule an interview.
Note: Failure to schedule your interview within the next 3 days will result in your application being denied.
Accepted for Interview
Reach out to (Killuminati#0797) on Discord to schedule an interview.
Note: Failure to schedule your interview within the next 3 days will result in your application being denied.
I Will! Thank you for this opportunity!
Accepted For Training
Please reach out to KingChris#0009 on discord to schedule your training!
Note: Failure to schedule your Training within 3 days will result in your application being denied.