Accepted Otto's staff app.


May 21, 2021
Your In-Game Name: Otto

Steam Name: Otto™

Link to your Public Steam Profile: :

Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older): 15 (16 on June 21)

Your discord name/tag: Otto#7787

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP? yes (Otto)

Have you ever been warned/kicked/banned on any Atomic Networks Servers? If yes, what for? yes RDM and NLR when I was very new to the server, also a couple days ago I broke nlr by accident on gang territory and was jailed for 5 minutes because I did not know there was nlr for gang territory at the time but since then I have read up on the rules and haven't had any issues with the rules since.

How much playtime do you have on the server? (24 hour minimum) 3 days and 12 hours

Have you read up on our rules fully? I've read through them multiple times thoroughly (still might need to read them a couple more times to memorize them)

Have you read up on the (DRP) Staff Information section of the Forums? yes, multiple times(still need to read them a bit more for memorization)

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis? I have a blue yeti x and I use it to communicate with people for rp purposes and helping players

Do you have any prior experience staffing on other Garry's Mod servers? (Please go into detail if the answer is Yes)
no I have not (this is the only gmod server I've ever played lol

Have you received any recommendations to apply for staff from current AtomicRP Staff Members? (If so list them below)
multiple staffs told me that they would be cool if I applied cause "I seem good for it" idk if that's a good thing or not but imma say it is

If you answered yes to the previous question, do you have experience with SAM? AWarn3? BLogs?
no I do not. I'm not really sure what it is either but id love to learn it.

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team?
like 80% of the time there's always 1 or 2 staff on and they struggle with the amount of tickets so I would like to help them and make this server fun for everyone playing, and also being an admin and being able to hear out peoples cases and help them seems pretty fun! Also, most of the time I just be a master thief or bank manager and print so I could use my time more wisely and help the server and other mods by dealing with cases and helping out people if they need it.

Why should you be accepted onto the staff team?
This is my favorite DarkRP server and I would like to support it more by helping with mods. I can be reasonable and serious with cases so I would treat the cases well and help out if anyone needs it. I really enjoy playing on this server and would like to see the server become even better. with more mods comes less cases for that one mod on trying to get all the cases done in a rush cause they have to deal with millions of cases by their self. I'm on every day and play for at least 8 hours a day(I'm usually on from 3pm Est to 1am Est) . I also think I should be accepted because I'm very caring for the server and willing to do anything to help out.

What is your time zone? EST
(I re-did this because my last one was really scuffed and i put no effort into it, I hope this one meets the requirements!)
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-1 I dont like that you responded to someone's -1. I think you should be able to take criticism and be able to let others talk about you.
-1 I dont like that you responded to someone's -1. I think you should be able to take criticism and be able to let others talk about you.
I mean I just like knowing what I got a -1 and a +1 on because I like to take the criticism to work and fix it
+1 I personally think your staff application is put together well and thoughtfully. I like your enthusiasm for wanting to help others as well as the staff team and support the server. Ive never ran into any problems with you myself or heard of problems revolving you. I haven't had any interactions with you myself, but that's no problem. I think giving you a shot on the staff team would be great c: I wish you luck!
+1 I personally think your staff application is put together well and thoughtfully. I like your enthusiasm for wanting to help others as well as the staff team and support the server. Ive never ran into any problems with you myself or heard of problems revolving you. I haven't had any interactions with you myself, but that's no problem. I think giving you a shot on the staff team would be great c: I wish you luck!
thank you man!
-1 asked for to reply to the staff app, yeah sure no prob, also dm'ed the noob himself
aye man it didnt say it in the rules or read before staff app so i thought it was ok and that dm...I SENT THE MESSAGE AND NOT EVEN A SECOND LATER I WAS LIKE "OH FUCK I PINGED HIM IM DEAD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD"
Accepted for Interview
Reach out to Wilkers within 3 days to schedule your interview.
Note: Failure to schedule your interview within 3 days will result in your application being denied.
Application Accepted
Reach out to DoX within 3 days to schedule your training
Note: Failure to schedule your training within 3 days will result in your application being denied.