Randomized hits scale the more hitmen there are


Active Member
Mar 13, 2022
I believe that the randomized hits should increase depending on how many active hitmen are on at one time. I think this would benefit the hitman job because it actually gives them something to do instead of begging people to place a hit for 80 percent of their time as a hitman. It would make the hitman job less boring overall with more randomized hits.
I believe that the randomized hits should increase depending on how many active hitmen are on at one time. I think this would benefit the hitman job because it actually gives them something to do instead of begging people to place a hit for 80 percent of their time as a hitman. It would make the hitman job less boring overall with more randomized hits.
agreed, hitman gets super boring really quickly
+1 I agree, I play hitman a lot and I always have to ask for hits and or wait for them to be placed
Suggestion Noted
This is definitely something we can look into the feasibility of, and if it doesn't work with the system we make use of right now it would definitely be a part of a custom hit system in the future if we were to ever do that.
Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion, for further questions feel free to reach out on Discord.​