Retro Miner


Jun 17, 2021
Just another fun passive way to make money, I think people would enjoy,

Job Title: Retro Miner

Job Salary: 20/hr

Job Limit: 4-5 not much as it can make a lot of money,

Category Affiliation: Citizen (should not be messed with should have a mining area where cant be mugged or raided etc)

Job Description: As a child you were not academically successful but always played Minecraft, one day in an argument your father says "you cant mine ores for a living"
you proved him wrong.

Adds Permanent Law to law boards (if applicable):

Job Rules:
cant raid
cant mug
cant do anything just mine

Job Purpose:
mining make money (just another way to make money)


Model (Workshop link with size of model):
Just use any default model honestly.

Link To Addon (if applicable):
(honestly a great script, I really like it due to the fact that you have to be active and on your game just like fireworks, would be a good timer killer and bring a new aspect to the server!)
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you'll say that but trust me if they every add it I can guarantee it will be full slotted all the time just because of the money it can make,
Ok, but you can make mad money printing, and its boring as fuck, and allot of people print
So what?
I don't want a job in the server just for making MORE money than there already fucking is, i can make like 2mill an hour and not care, idc about money I just wanna have more fun. So having a boring job that makes money is lame.
Ok, but you can make mad money printing, and its boring as fuck, and allot of people print
So what?
I don't want a job in the server just for making MORE money than there already fucking is, i can make like 2mill an hour and not care, idc about money I just wanna have more fun. So having a boring job that makes money is lame.
what are you getting so tense about? do you have any better recommendations? lmfao
its a suggestion for a reason they don't have to put it in if they don't want too
I personally think people will enjoy it as printing is usually full and not every one has the money to donate for VIP and supporter printers,
some people are new and don't know how to build and don't have access to adv dupe so why not have a job that's interesting, makes money, and adds new area to the game (miner area) which can be inspired to add more.
Like I said its just a suggestion, I respect your opinion thought,
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what are you getting so tense about? do you have any better recommendations? lmfao
its a suggestion for a reason they don't have to put it in if they don't want too
I personally think people will enjoy it as printing is usually full and not every one has the money to donate for VIP and supporter printers,
some people are new and don't know how to build and don't have access to adv dupe so why not have a job that's interesting, makes money, and adds new area to the game (miner area) which can be inspired to add more.
Like I said its just a suggestion, I respect your opinion thought,
Mining is a system we would love to put in, if we end up going for it the system will be completely custom. The main reason being that there are too many different types of entities (more entities/more types of entities = more server lag) so if it was an idea we were gonna explore further, it would most likely be done as a custom job.
Thank you for making this suggestion though, we have added mining to the list of future development ideas!