The CCTV Storefront Screen

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The Poubel

Feb 3, 2022
Recently, upon trying to create something fun for the server's players, I've started designing gauntlets people can traverse for a prize at the end, Legends of the Hidden Temple style. However, I want to let people attempt it as much as they want to, and I don't have a way to guarantee that there'll always be a prize inside. I also don't want people to try it, just to find out there is nothing waiting for them at the end.

With this in mind, I'd like to ask for one prop to be able to be made into a CCTV, so people would feel more inclined to add screens to storefronts, bases, or even gauntlets like mine so they can openly show something to the outside players.

As an example, this is the 'front' I made, and the view I wish to put on a CCTV outside:


The idea is to put a TV above the sign, showing people what the current final prize is (and to allow people to see what I'm doing inside at any point as well).

I believe this has a lot of interesting application purposes that'd be fun to implement!
Suggestion Noted
This was previously implemented on the server but it was removed for causing severe client side performance drops. If there's a way to optimize it I could see it being a good thing to implement.
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