Job Guide Trashman Guide


Director @ Atomic Networks
Forum Administrator
DarkRP Staff Member
Sep 14, 2020
United States
Don't want to read a guide? Watch the video below for a rundown!

Step 1: Find a Trash Source and Collect

Find a trash source with your trash sucker out, there are 4 types of ways to collect trash
1. Sewer Grates - Press E to open them, and hold your "Suck" button to collect.
2. Leaf Piles - Press the "Blast" Button to reveal trash to suck up, hold your "Suck" button to collect.
3. Dumpsters - Hold your "Suck" button to collect.
4. Misc. Trash on the Ground (Palm Tree Island) - Hold your "Suck" button to collect.

Depending on the level of your sucker, the rate at which you'll be able to collect and the amount of trash your sucker will be able to hold will differ.

Step 2: Find a Recycler

Find a recycler, once you have collected enough trash (at least 100kg), press your middle mouse button to convert the trash in your sucker to a trash bag that you can drag into the recycler.

Once you have your trashbag, use your grav gun to drag it into the back of the recycler (view image above)
Now you can choose what you want to recycle your trash into, press e on the arrows to cycle your options, press recycle to begin recycling.

Step 3: Sell The Recycled Material
Find a trash buyer (these are usually very close to the trash recyclers) grav gun your recycled material into the trash buyer and the cat will give you cash!
Press E on the "Take Cash" slot to collect your money once the buyer is done!

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