Denied VantaCat⛧ Staff Application


Feb 19, 2022
Username: VantaCat⛧

◈ Your In-Game Name: Vanta Demon

Link to your Public Steam Profile:

Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older): 22

Your Discord (with tag): ⛧VantaCat⛧#5284

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP? No

Have you ever been warned on AtomicRP? Yes

Please detail all of your warns and bans. I was AFK for a sit and basically got smacked with punishment that i honestly 1/2 deserved, something with RDM but the guy also lied about what happened so it was confusing and exaggerated the punishment, oh well, and it also happened a year ago or so... so i can barely remember crap tbh about it.

How much playtime do you have on the server? 2 Weeks (some of it AFK asleep lol)

Have you read up on our rules fully? Yes

Have you read up on the (DRP) Staff Information section of the forums? Yes

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis? Yes

Do you have any prior experience staffing on other Garry's Mod servers within the past 4 years? No

Have you previously staffed on AtomicRP? No

What is your time zone? Mountain time USA

What time of the day (for you) are you usually on? night time

Why do you want to be a part of the AtomicRP Staff Team? to be honest, that supporter benefit seems tasty. ALSO sometimes when the server NEEDS an admin i am on and no one can help whats happening. so why not me be the help?

Why should you be accepted onto the AtomicRP Staff Team? to be honest WHY NOT? but i know i believe in a fun experience for the server so if someone threatens that fun i wanna solve the HELL out of it.

Optional: Include any other information about yourself that you'd like the community and the management team to know about you. I dunno im a straightforward person who tries to think logically, id say im level headed enough to deal with the "characters" in admin sits. i smoke weed so im a chilllllllllllllll person so like why not have another chill stoner on the Team? hope whoever has read this have a good night. also Leo and Dylinux kinda know me so they might be able to vouch for me.
Little effort, plus advertising yourself as a "chill stoner on the team" doesn't look good. If you're staffing, you gotta be sober.
-1 Not enough effort here, check out some accepted applications for a reference to what we are looking for
All reasons stated above. On your next application, I'd like to see some more effort, more activity in-game, and hopefully you'll want to be here for something other than supporter.​
Application Denied
Your application did not display the effort we are looking for, I recommend checking out accepted applications to get a better idea of what we are looking for.
We appreciate your interest in staffing, you may reapply for an Atomic Networks Staff Position in 14d, DM me with any questions or concerns.