Adding More Raiding Tools To Help, and Drug Dealer Job

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New Member
Aug 16, 2021
I have played gmod for roughly 1000 hours and i have hopped many servers. And out of all servers this server just feels to me as if raiding especially as a solo player is super weak.
I always find myself getting oneshot while trying to open up a door, and I always find myself oneshotting the raider that is raiding me with no counter play on there end.
And if you are raiding with multiple people it gets a lot easier because you can hold more angles. But the base rules also comes into account. Most servers the space between fading doors is shoulder to shoulder width and front back for length that means there is a lot more breathing room for the raiders and they are able to dodge shots.. lol most of the time the base builders make the distance from doors so tight you almost get stuck and glitch.

So what I have to offer is a role that can make these specific items. Its a drug dealer role, the role can place these 4 station like objects (it's really hard to explain) you can place down 6 if you are a vip or something. You then choose what you want to make these go from. Healing capsule (instant max health), Armor capsule (armor overtime not instant), speed boost (You gain extra speed) and lastly my favorite thing that I think you should add to help raiders is a Fading door bomb (You place it down click e and after 3 seconds it explodes and opens up the fading door near it. This will help raiders and defends (health and armor, speed) and fading door bombs help the raider obviously. Back to the role now, You have to buy a cooler and the cooler lasts about 1 or 2 min, and if you dont put it in when it finishes the whole machine that makes the drugs explode and you have to buy a new one. But with vip one cooler lasts forever and you dont have to buy it again. The speed drug costs the least, then it goes health, armor, Fading door bomb, You can decide the money for each but the fading door bomb on the server I played on was around 100K which is a lot but its a decent item :)

The next thing I can offer is just adjust the rules so the base corridors have to be shoulder to shoulder and front to back so 2x2 this creates space for the raiders.

I have never been intrigued to raid on this server due to how hard and unfun it is. And defending a raid seems way to easy. Overall this server feels like a sit in base grind money for no reason server if you were to fix raiding it would be a lot more enjoyable. This server is really good and I have high hopes for it, The addons are amazing and it feels very smooth keep it up.

*Edit* Maybe I am just bad at raiding who knows... Lmao but I still have yet to see a successful raid :)
Also adding a printer pocket to the game, Not necessary but will appeal more people to raid because making profit is easier cause you can steal printers easier.
You pull it out there isnt an actual model for it kind of like keys and you left click and you can pocket the printers. Right click to drop the printers and if you die the printers fall out of you so its free for anyone to pick up on the streets xD also the money doesnt continue when pocketed it gets reset to 0. You can also only pocket like 3-5 printers
I don't think that having perks for making raiding easier would be a bad idea, however seeing as armor costs $75k from the medic, I think that the replenishing armor would be quite broken for the economy. Furthermore I think that if anything you should just use the vending machines to give out purchasable perks (Jump boost, Speed boost, etc.) The cooler thing doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, especially if the whole idea of the class is that you are out raiding. I also do agree that raiding can be difficult especially w/o having numbers as a solo, but that being said it also isn't hard to find others to raid with or make friends with regulars on the server. Bomb seems whatever, just as long as it is a one use and then a long cd so that you can only use it once upon entry during the raid.

Really don't see an issue with the suggestion for bigger airlocks, other than the fact that everyone with dupes will be :mad: bigmad


Not sure how to get it but I did see a Supporter as the Cuddler role with a crowbar that acted a printer pocket tool that he used when I sold him some printers on the street.
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