Banned words/phrases


Active Member
Aug 29, 2021
Hello everyone looking at this to address my problem/concern, there has been a situation as of late where I have found out that it is sexual harassment for saying “Suguma nuts”. Which brings me to my suggestion for a update to rule B5 to include a sort of banned words. This could look like this

Banned words/phrases
R slur
F slur
N word
Suck my d#ck/nuts etc
And more
I kind of agree with banning the f word / n word but the other ones are pretty stupid
I think that the slurs should be banned but sug MA D and nuts isn't that bad tacks out the rp out dark rp if thay are removed
Suggestion Denied
We intentionally don't list banned words on the rule in order to get around people that will try to come up with obscure and oftentimes (even worse) hate speech.​