Base Design/ Vape Ideas


Jun 2, 2021
Honestly vapes aren’t that useful other than the medical vape, and helium vape, I feel like it would be a cool idea if possible to make a vape that gives you speed like the helium vape lets you fly after getting the bar all the way up. I think that adding more vapes like a speed vape would give players more reasons to buy vapes and for VIPs to become the Dbag job more often.

I personally love building bases and trying to find newer and better ways to make my bases to really stand out among the rest, I recently made a “Helium Vape Base” which makes players to get helium vapes in order to get in the base, this is a very very grey area, because after talking to multiple mods in game they all said that it shouldn’t be a problem as it was not in the rules, but DoX let me know that it wasn’t allowed, and honestly I feel like it utilizes vapes more and gives other people reason to buy the vapes.

Vape suggestion: Add vapes that gives you benefits like medical and helium

Base design suggestion: Either add it in the rules letting people know that it’s against the rules so people aren’t confused or let it be apart of the game allowing people to further advance their base designs.

Another one is underwater bases because from reading the rules it sort of implies that an underwater base in and of itself isn't against the rules, but only when the raider alone is forced underwater. However, when I asked a mod about this he said all underwater bases are illegal. So it'd be nice if we could have some clarification too.
Honestly I don't think there should be anymore vapes added especially speed vapes, and helium vapes base can be a problem for newer players since they do not have that much money to start with. BUT I do like eck0's idea of being able to base underwater, I feel it would be a pretty could thing to see underwater bases. I also want to see what the community will come up with for underwater bases.