Denied Cookiee's Staff Application


Active Member
Mar 15, 2021
Your In-Game Name: Cookiee

Steam Name: hxdi

Link to your Public Steam Profile:

Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older): 15

Your discord name/tag: hxdi#0953

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP? It is not, but, my discord name is the same as my In-Game Name in the discord server.

Have you ever been warned/kicked/banned on any Atomic Networks Servers? If yes, what for? I have one warning for "FailRP during Raid"

How much playtime do you have on the server? (1 day minimum playtime, 1 week in the community) 1 week and 2 days

Have you read up on our rules fully? I have and check them frequently for new changes or anything.

Have you read up on the (DRP) Staff Information section of the Forums? Yes, i've read over all of them.

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis? I do have one and use it very frequently.

Do you have any prior experience staffing on other Garry's Mod servers? (Please go into detail if the answer is Yes) I have a substantial amount of experience staffing. I have been co-owner on a server and Mod on a couple other servers. The only server I remember being staff on is CosmicNetworks.

Have you received any recommendations to apply for staff from current AtomicRP Staff Members? (If so list them below) I have been recommended by noetic and Koda.

If you answered yes to the previous question, do you have experience with SAM? AWarn3? BLogs? I have experience with SAM, AWarn3, and BLogs.

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team? I would like to be apart of AtomicRP's staff team because I am very well known within the community, active, and have plenty of experience. I have a very good understanding and knowledge of the rules and information. I've frequently recited and helped both players and staff when needed. As I don't go to school anymore, I'm not very busy and have a very flexible schedule, being able to get on if not already on.

Why should you be accepted onto the staff team? I've noticed during my time playing, theres very minimal staff or no staff on and since I play during those hours, I could fill in that gap. As a staff member, I would be much more interactive and active within the community more than I already am. I have a very deep knowledge of Garry's Mod in general, playing it for over 4 years and having more than 4000 hours on it, able to help any new player at need. I also have a huge knowledge of staffing and how it works, easily able to get through training and pass subjects other players may not get through so easily. I'm friendly with most of the current staff and don't have any problems with them, being able to fit in very easily among the staff team.
Your In-Game Name: Cookiee

Steam Name: hxdi

Link to your Public Steam Profile:

Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older): 15

Your discord name/tag: hxdi#0953

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP? It is not, but, my discord name is the same as my In-Game Name in the discord server.

Have you ever been warned/kicked/banned on any Atomic Networks Servers? If yes, what for? I have one warning for "FailRP during Raid"

How much playtime do you have on the server? (1 day minimum playtime, 1 week in the community) 1 week and 2 days

Have you read up on our rules fully? I have and check them frequently for new changes or anything.

Have you read up on the (DRP) Staff Information section of the Forums? Yes, i've read over all of them.

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis? I do have one and use it very frequently.

Do you have any prior experience staffing on other Garry's Mod servers? (Please go into detail if the answer is Yes) I have a substantial amount of experience staffing. I have been co-owner on a server and Mod on a couple other servers. The only server I remember being staff on is CosmicNetworks.

Have you received any recommendations to apply for staff from current AtomicRP Staff Members? (If so list them below) I have been recommended by noetic and Koda.

If you answered yes to the previous question, do you have experience with SAM? AWarn3? BLogs? I have experience with SAM, AWarn3, and BLogs.

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team? I would like to be apart of AtomicRP's staff team because I am very well known within the community, active, and have plenty of experience. I have a very good understanding and knowledge of the rules and information. I've frequently recited and helped both players and staff when needed. As I don't go to school anymore, I'm not very busy and have a very flexible schedule, being able to get on if not already on.

Why should you be accepted onto the staff team? I've noticed during my time playing, theres very minimal staff or no staff on and since I play during those hours, I could fill in that gap. As a staff member, I would be much more interactive and active within the community more than I already am. I have a very deep knowledge of Garry's Mod in general, playing it for over 4 years and having more than 4000 hours on it, able to help any new player at need. I also have a huge knowledge of staffing and how it works, easily able to get through training and pass subjects other players may not get through so easily. I'm friendly with most of the current staff and don't have any problems with them, being able to fit in very easily among the staff team.
+1 got a plus 1 from noob, very active, good community member and raider; would make great staff after learning the ropes
+1 I see you on a lot, you are very active and known in the community. Your application is well written and detailed, instead of minimal information about yourself. I personally have spoken too and had many interactions with you myself. I think you would be a good fit.
-1 Kind of been toxic to some people and I can't count any good interactions with you. You're very active on the server it's just that I'd like to see less negativity.
-1 Doesn't listen, Breaks the rules, And is very argumentative with staff, And can be toxic likes to continue things on even after the other person stops I've witnessed this first hand and in other situations
-1 My experiences with him haven't been good he breaks rules often and sold me a fail base also pretty toxic

+1 Have not had a bad interaction, well known in the community and a well made staff app.
-1 I chose what I chose because a lot of the interactions I've had with you have not been so good. You are extremely toxic if it's "Towards" players/staff. I've noticed that you have zero patience and that's not good. You would be the type of person to yell at someone if they don't know what they are doing instead of helping them you are toxic. I saw it multiple times where you would keep going on about something when it's been already dealt with. I believe if you were to become a staff member you would be toxic and 3000% Bias towards the people you like.
+/- Cool guy, has cool base aesthetics. I do not have enough information to form an opinion, as you have been on the server longer than I have, and I am unaware of most information about you, other than what was stated.