Denied F00lishzays-staff app.


New Member
Jun 30, 2021
Your In-Game Name.
SCP 106

Steam Name:


Steam ID:

Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older):

Your discord name/tag:

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP?:
Nope, Completely different.

Have you ever been warned/kicked/banned on any Atomic Servers? If yes, what for?:
Banned Yes, I guess for RDM a Cop For no reason I guess?? But i was trying to Self defense myself As A Hobo because a Thief was trying to kill me.

How much playtime do you have on the server? (3 days minimum)
1 Day 15 min, it says (3 days minimum) But it says! 1 day To apply.

Have you read up on our rules fully?:
Yes, Multiple times.

Have you read up on the AtomicRP Staff Handbook?:
Yes, Multiple times.

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis?:
Yes, And Somtimes if im not talking My mike broke.

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team?:
I want to be part of the staff team again because I already was once on the team and the fun I had and the amount of friends I made on your server over a period of a week of server gameplay time is insane, I've never made a whole dozen friends that i talk to daily on ANY Gmod server but yours. it really is a great community. And I just love how everything works on your server, I feel like there really is not much wrong with it (besides the crashes). I also know all basic commands since I was just T mod not too long ago, but still would love to be trained by Wilkers himself this time IF I get the position once more.... I really regret what I did to get myself banned and demoted for 2 weeks. but over that time period I thought of how dumb that mistake really was, and how EASY it is for me to have completely avoided it. I also want to be apart of the staff team because I play a lot on your server and mainly only on your server when I hop on Gmod, and I'm tired of role playing and want to just help out the server like I once did when I was T mod.

Why should you be accepted onto the staff team?:
I feel like I should be put back into the staff team because I feel like I did good for my first week of being staff on AtomicRP. I handled sits/tickets very well and made very few mistakes on that side. But on the other hand, One night I did go off duty and I did Noclip to a distant personal base of mine instead of walking, which is a really dumb mistake and I admit it 100%, But I just want you guys to give me a second chance to see what I'm capable of. I know I did a few mistakes while being T mod like No clipping as I just said and just a few other ones. And again I'm really dumb for that, but I feel like my actual staffing with players was pretty good. I also still remember all the commands and stuff too, because I was just a T mod. I feel like you guys saw the wrong side of me and not the good side where I handled sits very professionally and made sure I did not do any mistakes on that. I just really wish I didn't make those really simple and dumb mistakes that caused me to get Demoted. I really do love this community, like I first said it's one of the best there is in DarkRP out there so far. So I'm asking for a second chance to be staff on your server. You can watch me 24/7 I will NOT F up this time. I promise. I am not a bad staff member, I just F'd up... I would never Ban/Jail/Mute (ETC) anyone for no reason and never have while being T mod because I know exactly how I the player would feel if an admin did that to me. I only do it when I need to, and when they did mistakes that I'm 100% sure of. Really hope you guys take me back on the Team.
1 day to apply granted. But I do recommend you do have a little more playtime., as I don't think I have met you yet.
Your application is quite good and you seem motivated. I do recommend you don't put any "F'd up" into an application as you want to show professionalism. (even though its an rp server) Grammar and slang aside, application is filled out appropriately.
So I'm a little indifferent.
I wish you good luck though!
Low play time I have not seen you around and if you got demoted that quick it was probably for a good reason. I'd definitely recommend putting in a bit of time to build up your reputation again and show everyone you can be a good mod.
Application Denied
You may reapply for an Atomic Networks Staff Position in 2 Weeks, DM a Senior Mod with questions/concerns.