Fix the printer bag mechanic

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Texas Bread

The printer bag is kinda pointless. If you steal someone's printers and they leave, the printers just disappear. I think it'd be much more beneficial if the printer bag could possibly swap ownership if a printer is added to the bag, if that even is possible. At this point, everyone just breaks printers, and the printer bag is only used to transport your own printers.
This is a great idea would also be useful if players have another rack +1
+1 this would help alot as there's no point in raiding when all the defenders do is log out. The only thing is that this could be abused and a player could keep logging in give his printers to another theif and boom the other guy has ownership
It would be abused right away if that was the case.
While this idea isn't bad in concept it is easily abuseable and could lead to alot of problems with abuse.
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