Denied GrilledCheese420 Staff Application

-1 Definately need effort. Takes criticism poorly. Not what we look for in staff.
This is a forum, i didn't do anything related to staffing on your server yet, have your opinion that's okay I still believe replying to someone on a chat forum doesn't change the chances of taking criticism poorly on your server.
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Neither of those things will define me if i have the chance of becoming a staff member, i can be just as good as you being staff. I've learned from my mistakes and adjusted to the rules of the server, If you'll only give me a chance to prove my worth.
Well yes they can poor response to criticism is a big thing+ your going to get auto denied for promoting in ooc so
-1 response to criticism is unbelievable, 3 hate speech warnings and you didn't even describe or say sorry for it. soo just a nah from me
Application Denied
Your application did not display the effort we expect in a staff member that wants to get to the interview.
We appreciate your interest in staffing. You may reapply for an Atomic Networks Staff Position in 2 Weeks, DM me with questions/concerns.​