hotel manager

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New Member
Jan 24, 2022
as a hotel manager, you really have no advantage or anything except a cool character and rp. I have talked to a admin about it and he said that with the hotel manager you can "mega base". This is kind of untrue since you could but so can any other role and it didnt make sense and I believe a good benefit for the people living in the hotel to be able to place their own door in the hotel room for safety against the other people they are living with. I have been told this is not allowed so i propose that it be added so the hotel manager role will be a better role.
With hotel manager you manage the entire hotel. You can charge rent and set up a powerful defense with hiring of body guards if you wanted or rather whoever you wish. Its the entire purpose of the job is to manage who can rent your rooms in the hotel.
Also you can have 8 Keypads to a single base aswell with what DarkPhoenix said.
-1 as a Hotel Manager you quite literally have an entire hotel to yourself, and your tenants where they can have their own base & keypads AND defend the hotel itself. The Hotel manager can set up a rent or maybe even a payment to own a room inside. Probably one of the best roleplaying jobs, and at the same time, a really good job for people to base with.
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