Professional Printer/Server Addon Recommendation


Trial Mod
Sep 28, 2021
This thread is to address the recent nerf of printers and to recommend a stock addon (I'm aware pro printers remained unaffected).

If the recent nerf of printers were to have people actually RP more, why not allow pro printers to raid or help fund businesses since that would fit in with the theme of printing money? By giving more freedom to Pro Printers it would encourage people who partake in the job to leave they're base instead of sitting there watching and waiting for money to print.

Not only that but adding a stock market would allow Pro Printers to use their money, it would add a alternative to coinflips. Coinflips allow for growth in one's money no matter their job however many are skeptic of its 50/50 chances; adding a stock market would encourage those to form a sort investment group, that and would allow for people who have huge amounts of money(Looking at you Brank) to finally use it and have that exciting risk of watching their money either plummeting or soaring on the stock charts. A good example of a stock plugin is the "Stock Addon"(
The new update was great! Its good to see people buying smoothies that put a spin on raids with their buffs, and to see people who main the Master Meth Cook job experimenting with the Weed Grower job. I even saw a group of City Workers march out of spawn and repair fountain in less than 5 minutes flat which was hilarious. I know that people seem to overlook these things to instead observe the nerf of printers. And I probably would too if I payed 15-75$ for a perm rank and then lost a perk(those who did buy it didn't lose the printer itself but they lost out on potential profit). I'm not asking for an update as of right now cause this one is great but when the next update comes around, I would like to see something along the lines of these.

Being a Professional Printer becomes boring quite easily once you realize that you can do nothing apart from walk around like a citizen. By allowing Pro Printers to interact in other ways like Raid/Assist, and Mug; they are criminals after all. If Pro Printers recieved this freedom this opens the door for another job, Bodyguards by allowing Pro Printers to raid Bodyguards are given the chance to make some spare change and RP a bit.

I would love to see rotations of events relating to the stock market even have a building where you can trade stocks. Please address anything you like or don't like in a reply.
What about this stock addon is so appealing? And how would we be able to balance it to make it fair for everyone without ruining the in game economy?
While I'm not sure about the moderation of the addon there are surefire ways to limit the minimum and maximum you can invest in. Along with how much profit one can make
-1 to the addon suggested, sorry. Will just encourage people to sit in UI menus more, although the offshore banking stuff n npc certainly do look interesting. However I don't think interaction with more npcs or menus is really what the server needs.

However, am gonna give you a +1 on a different part of your suggestion. Have said it for a long time n many have agreed with me, but unfortunately it's been pretty resisted by administration every time I've mentioned it.
Being a Professional Printer becomes boring quite easily once you realize that you can do nothing apart from walk around like a citizen. By allowing Pro Printers to interact in other ways like raid, assist, and mug; they are criminals after all. If Pro Printers received this freedom this opens the door for another job, Bodyguards by allowing Pro Printers to raid Bodyguards are given the chance to make some spare change and RP a bit more.
Sorry, removed your colors and changed your grammar a bit since it bugged the hell out of me. However I definitely agree, never understood why pro printers can't do basic criminal things. They are criminals after all, right?

I asked Noob about this directly once or twice and he told me that since they're essentially the bitminers of the server, he didn't want to make them too op. However, I think the fact they can't do these things is the reason that the job is so commonly affiliated with people just sitting in bases, not doing anything. It's not because they don't want to, it's because they're not allowed to. When I first joined, I did pro printing exclusively, and did all those things anyways since the job description is so vague. Never had any problems with it. Think it definitely would help pro printers be able to rp and get out of their bases a bit more, which has been a huge focus with the recent updates.

Big +1 to that part of your suggestion post
I’ll give a +1 to that prop printer suggestion, In that phase of me learning how to play DarkRP on the server as a criminal, there was so many times I raided as a Pro Printer, it was really fun, and I never knew it wasn’t allowed, because it doesnt have an actual job description. The fact that a part of your income can go to bodyguards so you can go outside and raid or do other stuff will make the job very fun. You can’t say it will ruin the economy because supporter printers/ jobs gives you wayyy more money + way better benefits/ those benefits that the pro printer doesn’t have, so it would be a great addition to the pro printer role.