Accepted SpoogieWoogie staff Application


New Member
May 15, 2021
Your In-Game Name:

Steam Name:
progamer5753 (made it a long time ago)

Link to your Public Steam Profile: :

Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older):

Your discord name/tag:

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP?

Have you ever been warned/kicked/banned on any Atomic Networks Servers? If yes, what for?

I never have been warned before today (5/18/21). The altercation was because someone had knifed an admin, and it looked like he had knifed my friend. In response, I killed the person, but I have a video that looks like he stabbed my friend, not the admin.

How much playtime do you have on the server? (24 hour minimum)
2 days and 32 minutes.

Have you read up on our rules fully?

Have you read up on the (DRP) Staff Information section of the Forums?

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis?

Do you have any prior experience staffing on other Garry's Mod servers? (Please go into detail if the answer is Yes)

Have you received any recommendations to apply for staff from current AtomicRP Staff Members? (If so list them below)

If you answered yes to the previous question, do you have experience with SAM? BLogs?

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team?
I believe I should be a part of the staff team because I think I would be a great help to the staff/community. I like helping others have a good playing experience, and I have lots of free time to dedicate to the server. I'm also on the server a lot so I will be on a ton to help. I want to help with rule-breakers cause I have seen a lot of people breaking rules and not getting dealt with by the admins, also I have seen admins not know the rules, also false jailing so will be there for support if the admins need me if maybe they don't know a rule or how to handle the situation. I'm very friendly and a nice person and I'm really looking forward to being a great help to the server and its people.

Why should you be accepted onto the staff team?
I think I should be accepted into the staff team because I'm very good at handling situations and I will make sure every sit I take is dealt with proper actions. I will Also make sure the players roleplaying are having a good time as well. Another reason I would be a great pick for the staff team is that I get along well with everyone no one has problems with me and I'm nice to everyone. Another reason I should be staff is that I really like the server and I wanna see it improve so I wanna help as much as I can. Also, I am a very mature person and I will not leave anyone unsatisfied with their problem. Finally, I will be on 2-7 hours a day to make sure I'm doing what I need to be the best staff member.

What is your timezone?
Eastern daylight time
+/- I like your enthusiasm but overall I can’t plus one your application because I have not seen you on, also I have no interactions with you. But I do want to hear more about the false jailing because we do follow a punishment guideline for all punishments, and they’re viewable to all forum members. It can be found under the staff information tab. I know I might be a trial mod, and it might not be my place, but I would love to know what one of my fellow staff had done wrong, so I can try to help them in correcting their mistake.
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|-- Accepted for Interview --|
Reach out to REMMAH within 3 days to schedule your interview

Failure to reach out will result in your Application getting Denied

|--Application Accepted--|
Reach out to Wilkers within 3 days to schedule your training

Failure to reach out will result in your Application getting Denied