The Glock18 in-game isn't a Glock18. It's a Glock17.


New Member
Jun 16, 2021
Not trying to be a gun snob, I'm just salty about being mislead into wasting my atomicbucks. The first firearm designed and produced by Gaston Glock was his 17th invention, and was named the Glock17. He then went on to make an auto version, the Glock18. Having a semi G18 makes absolutely no sense, and is frankly misleading.

My suggestion is to either rename the current "G18" to its proper name, the "G17"


simply make it auto, making it a proper "G18".
my mom says your wrong she said its called a glock12 and she is really smart so i think she's right and your wrong sorry <3
Personally I do not know why you are making a big deal over this. Like I don't understand why this matters? I saw you talking about it in chat yesterday morning, and I hope your know that we didn't make the addon so, if you want to talk about changes I would love to inform you that you should take it up with the creator of the addon!
I hope that you don't take this the wrong way but I am just stating what's on my mind.
Wrong is wrong. It's not a big deal, but it is factually incorrect.