Racially Motivated RP


New Member
Sep 14, 2022
This sever has a major problem with people using race and sexism as motives to "RP".
I have personally seen these horrid acts personally committed by two active admins RPing as Klan members, these admins used the guise of RP to chase and kill people of color while screaming "WHITE POWER!". This was complete accepted by the people around them and almost seen as normal. I wish these two admins have immediate and harsh punishments for the sake of the people of color on atomic RP.
Hi Bobby, just wanted to clarify exactly what happened there, because that is completely unacceptable behavior on Atomic.
As stated in our rules..
B4. Targeted use of language towards other players in a way that can be interpreted as Racism/Hate Speech is Not Allowed.
- Context matters, staff have final say over situations where thin ice has been treaded.
- If you don't want to leave things up to interpretation for a staff member, stay away from the terms/topics listed below
> N-Word, F-Word, R-Word
> Jokes about Rape/Incest
> Uncomfortable comments that cross other players' boundaries
In this situation you have described, it would definitely be interpreted as "thin ice" that had been treaded. If you still have evidence of those players breaking the rules, we recommend making a Player Report on our Discord (or reporting it by making use of the @ chat feature in-game)

Of course, if you need any further clarification on this topic, feel free to follow up with me on Discord at !Wilkers!#4231
This was more than likely a false claim, seeing that nothing came of it and they haven't been on the forums since they posted this