Denied ㄒ卄乇 乃乇匚Ҝ Staff Application

+1 decent app
Thank you Noir, I appreciate your feedback! I tried my best here! It's been quite a while since I did an app and just wanted to not only list my previous experience, but just do my absolute best to just be myself and not make myself out to be someone above anyone else. Thanks again! Hope to see you on later, I'm off work soon!
Never really had an interaction with you but from others +1's, prior experience and a good app gives a +1 from me!​
If you see me around tonight in the server call me over! Or if I see you I'll talk to ya! I'd love to have a conversation and introduce myself, and I'd love for you to introduce yourself too! Be home soon! Off work at 11 pm est takes me about 25 min or so to get home and get on. Cheers! Thank you for the positive feedback as well!