TopHatMedic General Suggestion - Hotel Manager Ideas


Mar 19, 2022

Suggestion Name Hotel Manager Ideas

What's Being Added/Removed/Changed Suggestions for Hotel Manager

Everyone's least favorite supporter job. Easy to understand why, who wants to buy/rent a hotel (or apartment) when you could get something like the elevator base? Well the main
draw of hotel (excluding player model) is one extra fading door that technically isn't your base, not many people care about it though. As noob said, "hotel manager was just made as a drop in replacement for district manager"
So what can I do to make one of my favorite jobs? I will present 3 ideas, ranging from a simple addon to a full rework.

Suggestion 1: Auto Rent
Banging on people's doors, hunting them down, and logging rent is not fun. Manual rent is no fun and is a hassle to keep up with. An idea I had was rather simple, this won't improve your tenants expeirence, as landlords make people unhappy,
but it would help out the Hotel Manager's income, instead of his income being 90% printers, he would make more off the actual draw of the job. So how will this idea work? I got this idea from a game on Roblox I played when I was younger named 'generic roleplay gaem'.
The landlord would run around with his rent tool out and see who owed rent, and would go collect it. Basically the same concept. A SWEP that shows how much rent is owed on the player on a clientside render distance. Then you go to them, and click on them to collect.
How does the actual rent part work? This is a little more complicated, but I think the existing check script would be useful. Hotel Manager can create rent agreements for certain players, but the other person must press E on the clipboard prop to accept, and maybe have a prompt confirming the agreement.
Simple solution that might work, after that the rent stacks up to a max amount where the Hotel Manager can evict for dereliction of rent. Rent times can either be locked or custom. This is my most simple idea.

Suggestion 2: Auto Rent - Rent Agreement, but swapped with the doors.
Same core idea as above, but instead of the check style rent agreement, you could make new doors for hotel where hotel manager sets prices for rooms. For example, if a customer was interested in a room they could go to the door, and either buy it for a set price by manager, or a rental agreement.
This would not only make the rent option easier, but also allow manager to semi-automate the process instead of what I normally do, which is keypads with whitelisted tenants.
Simple Idea, but a bit more complicated than first.

Suggestion 3: Total Rework, Landlord idea.
Honestly thinking about it kinda feels like a mini district manager. It dosen't have to be this way but the landlord could buy property, maybe 1 property for sale per district (like the apartments in slums), then enforce rent. This can be done with either the rental agreements and if they refused to take it, they could then be evicted. OR you could force rent now that you own the property.
This seems a little overkill, so maybe only 1-3 buildings and a max rent cap. Also add eviction notices so no one gets immediatley booted for nothing. This might also add a new rule, or just be counted as FailRP. The buildings I was thinking of being for sale would of course consist of the hotel, then a warehouse in industrial, then the apartments to the left of Gas Station.
You could also combine this with those rental doors from idea 2, which would be owned by you whenever building is purchased. This would also change the job name from Hotel Manager to Landlord. Maybe raise job cap to allow competition?

I really hope you guys consider this prospect to make Hotel Manager seem less like a filler, and make a better stream of income. Another last minute idea could be like pizza chef with an NPC hotel where you can put special furniture in rooms for guests.

Thank you for considering my vision, I hope you have a nice day!

Why It Should Be Added/Removed/Changed Why I think it should be changed? Like noob said it's only a filler job for district manager, almost nobody plays it. Nothing that special about it, no cool gimmicks, possible low income, and is supported mostly by printers. I think either a simple addon to improve manager's income and automate it, or a total rework into a new job. I would love to play it more but it's a supporter job, that makes less than Pizza, Trash, and Worker (excluding printers.)
It needs to be less of a filler, and more of a new fun job for people. District Manager was fun, why not reflect some of the fun into the job that replaces it.
Thank you!

Links to Addons
+1 I like the idea it'd be good for clans instead of putting a tip jar just have a hotel manager and make rent agreements
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Suggestion Noted
It's a neat concept, definitely something that we could look into one day.
Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion, for further questions feel free to reach out on Discord.​