What brought you to Gmod?

Slender Cain

Senior Mod On Atomic DarkRP
Jun 21, 2021
Paw Paw, Michigan
I'm curious what brought everyone to Gmod and when did you start playing / how many hours do you have ?

I got the game back in 2010 or 2011. I was a huge fan of the half life games and one day I was at my frinds and he was playing gmod showing me all the stuff you could do. And then prop hunt came out. And I was addicted. I finally landed on a server that was a mix of rp and build/kill. It was kind of a lawless mess it had e2 and nothing was blacklisted. So occasionally some one would make a rad field and kill the whole server. But it was also a small server maybe 20-30 people at max. After a few months me and another regular of that server opened our own server that was like the one we played on after it died. But we added a lot if stuff to the blacklisted items. Mostly people just made killbases. And random e2 vehicles. Finally I started to play some dark rp and that's all I have played ever since. I took a break for several years and just came back to gmod maybe 2 months ago once my wife and I moved from Colorado to Michigan!
About early 07? My friend had it on his computer and let me play, i was so hyped i asked my mom for garrysmod on steam for Christmas. I put in 1000 or so hours from 07-2015 then went on hiatus while in college and working. Im at 1600 now about.

My first time playing on my own was bouncing around servers, i remember distinctly the purple black tiles of not owning CSS. I had no mic, and everything was blasting out of my moms speakers including dark rp voice chat.

Its been a long time since then one thing i remember was the oooh what ya say revolver swep. Golden era of gmod videos too so many good ones.
I remember coming across a bunch of youtube videos about gmod and I watched a bunch of them to the point when I wanted gmod so I looked on steam and it was on sale so luckily I got it for 2 bucks I remember playing a lot of sandbox then I tried a bunch of other gamemodes like prophunt hide&seek etc. this was way back like maybe 2015 I took a long break from it and then got back into it playing darkrp which is my favorite gamemode every time I play it just takes me back to the good old days when I was young and dumb
I remember coming across a bunch of youtube videos about gmod and I watched a bunch of them to the point when I wanted gmod so I looked on steam and it was on sale so luckily I got it for 2 bucks I remember playing a lot of sandbox then I tried a bunch of other gamemodes like prophunt hide&seek etc. this was way back like maybe 2015 I took a long break from it and then got back into it playing darkrp which is my favorite gamemode every time I play it just takes me back to the good old days when I was young and dumb
Prop hunt is always fun
What brought me was def watching Das Bo Schitt's GMOD Idiot Box Videos back in middle school in 2008
I bought gmod a longggggg time ago, because I was watching Vanos and his friends play it haha never really got into it until now though!
I got Gmod due to inspiration from a friend and the first thing I did was Dark-rp. The server he showed me, I eventually became a mod and since then I've been staffing on servers since I was 14. I took a break when I was like 18. Now I'm here. Darkrp has gotten me through a lot of bad times and I'm so glad I've been committed to it for most of my gaming career.
Back when Vanossgaming was popular in like 2015 I downloaded gmod interested by their videos and played my first game of prop hunt when I was 8.
In 2014 I bought gmod because it was a big thing and I decided to give it a shot. But to my surprise I am still playing it after all these year, I still enjoy it but nothing beats the back then when everything was much simpler.