Add the ability to pay to open keypads


old Admin New Mod
Jun 18, 2021
With the keypads that we use on the server, it should be possible to enable the payment to open feature where if you don't have access, you could pay just to open it. This would make kidnaping a lot more fun, so you don't have to watch over them, and it gives them an easier way to pay to get out of their cell. Besides kidnapers, it could allow for some other exciting RP builds.
+1 I've seen it in another server a while ago before I joined Atomic and I <3 it

Discord: Ryan15715#4860
+/- I have a small feeling that it defeats the purpose of the kidnapper, just a way more advanced and simple way, I feel like it would be nicer just to leave it as it is. Adds a more rp vibe.
+1 could lead to some awesome Rp scenarios with fight club or cinema!
Suggestion Noted
This is something we've had on the burner for a while, hopefully Noob can get it added soon.​