Multi Defending Bases Should Not Be Allowed


Active Member
Aug 29, 2021
According to many admins even though not explicitly stated in the rules your not allowed to base in two bases or own two bases. In my humble opinion if your defending a base that means you live there why would you defend a base if theirs no benefit to you besides somebody helping to defend your base. If this is the case couldn't someone put the whole server on their defending sign and get Randoms to help defend raids? I know that this is probably not a popular opinion but for raiders its extremely hard to know whos defending when their is a whole encyclopedia of names on a base. If I'm not wrong the whole point of having a defending sign is so that raiders know who to expect to be attacked by when raiding a base but going by the current system I can totally evade that by putting every possible name on the base. I believe that in all sincerity there needs to be a rule limiting one person to defending one base. This would also help out server prop limit especially if solo basers helping to defend each others base would base together.
According to many admins even though not explicitly stated in the rules your not allowed to base in two bases or own two bases. In my humble opinion if your defending a base that means you live there why would you defend a base if theirs no benefit to you besides somebody helping to defend your base. If this is the case couldn't someone put the whole server on their defending sign and get Randoms to help defend raids? I know that this is probably not a popular opinion but for raiders its extremely hard to know whos defending when their is a whole encyclopedia of names on a base. If I'm not wrong the whole point of having a defending sign is so that raiders know who to expect to be attacked by when raiding a base but going by the current system I can totally evade that by putting every possible name on the base. I believe that in all sincerity there needs to be a rule limiting one person to defending one base. This would also help out server prop limit especially if solo basers helping to defend each others base would base together.

You can counter as long as you are in a party with the base owner however in order to base with someone and defend a base your name has to be on the sign. You may not base anywhere else if your name is already on a sign. You also are not suppose to counter from a different base entirely. Because in order to counter both parties must be able to see each other.
You can counter as long as you are in a party with the base owner however in order to base with someone and defend a base your name has to be on the sign. You may not base anywhere else if your name is already on a sign. You also are not suppose to counter from a different base entirely. Because in order to counter both parties must be able to see each other.
theres no rule surrounding this can you tell me how you came to this conclusion it varies from staff to staff at the very least their should be a rule or some clarity
theres no rule surrounding this can you tell me how you came to this conclusion it varies from staff to staff at the very least their should be a rule or some clarity
GGR8. A base must be designed in a way where both parties can see and shoot at one another during a raid.
Explains why you can't shoot someone if they can't see you.
ECR1. You are in a party with the victim of the RP action (ex. your friend's base is getting raided, since you are in the same party as them you shoot the raider) Explains why someone can counter for a party member's base being raided.
GGR7. In order to be part of/defend a base, you must have your name on the front door, or visible in the base signage for a potential raider.
GGR9. Megabasing (quartering off a large area of a map) is not allowed
When you are part of a base you may not base somewhere else.
Suggestion Denied
I see what you're trying to get at, but there are rules already in place to prevent this exact scenario you are describing, if a person wants to be on the signage outside of a base to defend it, they have to actually have entities inside of the base. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to me on discord -Wilkers <3​