New KOS sign rule idea

Ero ☢

Active Member
Sep 15, 2020
  1. Kos signs:
  2. The rule now are listed as: rules about the text screens you are allowed to put outside your base] GSR1. There are 3 allowed sign types on AtomicRP

    KOS/AOS Signs (Used to show that entering an area makes you kill/arrest on sight) Building Signs (Used to show there is no raidables and that the base is still under construction, you can still kill people inside of your base when building) RP Build (Used to show that your complete build has no raidables, and is for RP only, bases with this sign can't be raided!)
    GSR2. KOS/Building/RP Build signs must be...

    Size 40 or above Specific (No "KOS Any Reason"/"KOS if Annoying/KOS if Loitering" signs, the more specific the better.)
    - Staff have final say on signs, if you have an issue with a staff interpretation, reach out to Wilkers - Examples of Banned Phrases ("Once KOS always KOS", "KOS Will Chase") GSR3. KOS/Building/RP Build Signs are not allowed to be blended into the background of whatever they are being placed on. GSR4. KOS/Building/RP Build signs must be easily visible, at the front entrance of the build/base. GSR5. If you have an RP Build Sign, you are not participating in activities that can get you raided. Only the Hitman Job can raid your base. GSR6. You cannot stack different types of signs, you can either have a KOS sign, Building sign, or RP Build sign. GSR7. In order to be part of/defend a base, you must have your name on the front door, or visible in the base signage for a potential raider.

    For bases w/o front doors, place a textscreen in front of your base with the names of the players basing in there. (sign must be at least size 40 and visible) Even if you are able to counter, you must have your name on the front of the base visible (unless you are PD or Vigilante)

  3. The part I will be mentioning is here > Specific (No "KOS Any Reason"/"KOS if Annoying/KOS if Loitering" signs, the more specific the better.) - Staff have final say on signs, if you have an issue with a staff interpretation, reach out to Wilkers - Examples of Banned Phrases ("Once KOS always KOS", "KOS Will Chase")

    • KOS meaning KILL ON SIGHT is kinda contradictory because when you list certain limitations on the sign when someone breaks these they then become kill on sight as the sign name states. Though the rule does cover a lot it has a hole within the overhead because if for example, my sign listed KOS as on props and someone were to hop on and off of the props to then die when off the props you then would be in the wrong because it would count as chasing. So I would like to add in addition to the rule a timer on the chase for example : Player A has a KOS sign-up saying kos if on props Player B steps on props and gets killed when off the props 10 seconds later this would be within the new proposed rule. Second example Player A has a KOS sign up saying kos if on props Player B steps on props and gets killed when off the props 30 seconds later and is halfway down the street this would be against the rule because player B was out of the RP interaction for more than 10 seconds and a distance away from the base. This would allow people to have more certainty behind the killings of their kos signs and still would allow people to not be chased from slums to industrial because they stepped on a prop for 2 seconds .

    • The wording of the new rule Players are allowed to KOS people if recently going against their (valid) kos sign as long as the player is killed in a reasonable time (10 seconds) after breaking kos sign limitations and the base defender doesn't chase the other player outside the base.

      I'm open to changing the times as this is still a work in progress